Click on Gene Descriptions for more info |
"ESTs Chr.7 [359148, (IE), 5':, 3':AA010076]" Clone ID: 359148 UniGene Name: Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ31360 fis, clone MESAN2000572, mRNA sequence Representative mRNA Acc: AK055922 UniGene Cluster ID: Hs.432545 Misc or Orig Desc: "ESTs Chr.7 [359148, (IE), 5':, 3':AA010076]" |
"ESTs Chr.7 [470781, (IEW), 5':AA031989, 3':AA031990]" Clone ID: 470781 UniGene Name: Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ20653 fis, clone KAT01739, mRNA sequence Representative mRNA Acc: BC027989 UniGene Cluster ID: Hs.180059 Misc or Orig Desc: "ESTs Chr.7 [470781, (IEW), 5':AA031989, 3':AA031990]" |
"Human GDP-dissociation inhibitor protein (Ly-GDI) mRNA, complete cds Chr.12 [487374, (IW), 5':AA046482, 3':AA046695]" Clone ID: 487374 UniGene Symbol: ARHGDIB[GeneCards] LocusLink ID: 397[LocusLink] UniGene Name: Rho GDP dissociation inhibitor (GDI) beta GOInfo: Rho GDP-dissociation inhibitor|molecular function|E|GO:5094|Proteome|8262133 negative regulation of cell adhesion|biological process|E|GO:7162|Proteome|9113980 actin cytoskeleton reorganization|biological process|E|GO:7012|Proteome|8262133 Rho protein signal transduction|biological process|E|GO:7266|Proteome|8356058 development|biological process|P|GO:7275|Proteome|8434008 immune response|biological process|P|GO:6955|Proteome|8356058 cytoplasmic vesicle|cellular component|E|GO:16023|Proteome|9113980 Representative mRNA Acc: NM_001175 Representative Protein Acc: NP_001166 UniGene Cluster ID: Hs.83656 Misc or Orig Desc: "Human GDP-dissociation inhibitor protein (Ly-GDI) mRNA, complete cds Chr.12 [487374, (IW), 5':AA046482, 3':AA046695]" |
"ESTs Chr.5 [322749, (I), 5':, 3':W15473]" Clone ID: 322749 UniGene Symbol: ORF1-FL49[GeneCards] LocusLink ID: 84418[LocusLink] UniGene Name: putative nuclear protein ORF1-FL49 Representative mRNA Acc: NM_032412 Representative Protein Acc: NP_115788 UniGene Cluster ID: Hs.323512 Misc or Orig Desc: "ESTs Chr.5 [322749, (I), 5':, 3':W15473]" |
"Human 19.8 kDa protein mRNA, complete cds Chr.8 [360768, (IW), 5':AA016984, 3':AA016250]" Clone ID: 360768 UniGene Symbol: TPD52[GeneCards] LocusLink ID: 7163[LocusLink] UniGene Name: tumor protein D52 GOInfo: embryogenesis and morphogenesis|biological process|P|GO:7345|Proteome|8632896 oncogenesis|biological process|E|GO:7048|Proteome|8632896 Representative mRNA Acc: NM_005079 Representative Protein Acc: NP_005070 UniGene Cluster ID: Hs.2384 Misc or Orig Desc: "Human 19.8 kDa protein mRNA, complete cds Chr.8 [360768, (IW), 5':AA016984, 3':AA016250]" |
"ESTs Chr.6 [41232, (I), 5':R59010, 3':R58955]" Clone ID: 41232 UniGene Symbol: FLJ20069[GeneCards] LocusLink ID: 54806[LocusLink] UniGene Name: hypothetical protein FLJ20069 Representative mRNA Acc: NM_017651 Representative Protein Acc: NP_060121 UniGene Cluster ID: Hs.273294 Misc or Orig Desc: "ESTs Chr.6 [41232, (I), 5':R59010, 3':R58955]" |
"Homo sapiens Pig7 (PIG7) mRNA, complete cds Chr.16 [381663, (EW), 5':AA059047, 3':AA059031]" Clone ID: 381663 UniGene Symbol: PIG7[GeneCards] LocusLink ID: 9516[LocusLink] UniGene Name: LPS-induced TNF-alpha factor GOInfo: RNA polymerase II transcription factor|molecular function|E|GO:3702|Proteome|10200294 regulation of transcription from Pol II promoter|biological process|E|GO:6357|Proteome|10200294 Representative mRNA Acc: NM_004862 Representative Protein Acc: NP_004853 UniGene Cluster ID: Hs.76507 Misc or Orig Desc: "Homo sapiens Pig7 (PIG7) mRNA, complete cds Chr.16 [381663, (EW), 5':AA059047, 3':AA059031]" |
"Homo sapiens Pig7 (PIG7) mRNA, complete cds Chr.16 [485904, (E), 5':, 3':AA040083]" Clone ID: 485904 UniGene Symbol: PIG7[GeneCards] LocusLink ID: 9516[LocusLink] UniGene Name: LPS-induced TNF-alpha factor GOInfo: RNA polymerase II transcription factor|molecular function|E|GO:3702|Proteome|10200294 regulation of transcription from Pol II promoter|biological process|E|GO:6357|Proteome|10200294 Representative mRNA Acc: NM_004862 Representative Protein Acc: NP_004853 UniGene Cluster ID: Hs.76507 Misc or Orig Desc: "Homo sapiens Pig7 (PIG7) mRNA, complete cds Chr.16 [485904, (E), 5':, 3':AA040083]" |
"LACTOYLGLUTATHIONE LYASE [5':AA010331, 3':AA010332]" Clone ID: 430196 UniGene Symbol: GLO1[GeneCards] LocusLink ID: 2739[LocusLink] UniGene Name: glyoxalase I GOInfo: lactoylglutathione lyase|molecular function|E|GO:4462|Proteome|7684374 carbohydrate metabolism|biological process|NR|GO:5975|Proteome| Representative mRNA Acc: NM_006708 Representative Protein Acc: NP_006699 UniGene Cluster ID: Hs.75207 Misc or Orig Desc: "LACTOYLGLUTATHIONE LYASE [5':AA010331, 3':AA010332]" |
"H.sapiens mRNA for mediator of receptor-induced toxicity Chr.11 [26167, (IW), 5':R12844, 3':R38415]" Clone ID: 26167 UniGene Symbol: FADD[GeneCards] LocusLink ID: 8772[LocusLink] UniGene Name: Fas (TNFRSF6)-associated via death domain GOInfo: death receptor-associated factor|molecular function|E|GO:5039|Proteome|7538907 induction of apoptosis via death domain receptors|biological process|E|GO:8625|Proteome|7538907 cell surface receptor linked signal transduction|biological process|NR|GO:7166|Proteome| oncogenesis|biological process|P|GO:7048|Proteome|8955195 antimicrobial humoral response (sensu Invertebrata)|biological process|NR|GO:6960|Proteome| cytoplasm|cellular component|NR|GO:5737|Proteome| Representative mRNA Acc: NM_003824 Representative Protein Acc: NP_003815 UniGene Cluster ID: Hs.86131 Misc or Orig Desc: "H.sapiens mRNA for mediator of receptor-induced toxicity Chr.11 [26167, (IW), 5':R12844, 3':R38415]" |
"Human mRNA for transcriptional activator hSNF2b, complete cds [5':AA045889, 3':AA045890]" Clone ID: 509710 UniGene Symbol: SMARCA4[GeneCards] LocusLink ID: 6597[LocusLink] UniGene Name: SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 4 GOInfo: helicase|molecular function|P|GO:4386|Proteome|8208605 adenosinetriphosphatase|molecular function|P|GO:4002|Proteome|8208605 transcription co-activator|molecular function|E|GO:3713|Proteome|8208605 transcription factor|molecular function|E|GO:3700|Proteome|8208605 regulation of transcription from Pol II promoter|biological process|E|GO:6357|Proteome|8208605 nucleoplasm|cellular component|P|GO:5654|Proteome|8208605 nucleus|cellular component|E|GO:5634|Proteome|8232556 Representative mRNA Acc: NM_003072 Representative Protein Acc: NP_003063 UniGene Cluster ID: Hs.78202 Misc or Orig Desc: "Human mRNA for transcriptional activator hSNF2b, complete cds [5':AA045889, 3':AA045890]" |
"ESTs [5':AA035013, 3':AA035377]" Clone ID: 471575 UniGene Symbol: IL6R[GeneCards] LocusLink ID: 3570[LocusLink] UniGene Name: interleukin 6 receptor GOInfo: interleukin-6 receptor|molecular function|E|GO:4915|Proteome|2261637 cell growth and/or maintenance|biological process|E|GO:8151|Proteome|2261637 skeletal development|biological process|NR|GO:1501|Proteome| cell surface receptor linked signal transduction|biological process|P|GO:7166|Proteome|3136546 development|biological process|P|GO:7275|Proteome|3136546 immune response|biological process|P|GO:6955|Proteome|3136546 cell proliferation|biological process|P|GO:8283|Proteome|3136546 interleukin-6 receptor complex|cellular component|P|GO:5896|Proteome|3136546 plasma membrane|cellular component|P|GO:5886|Proteome|2112585 Representative mRNA Acc: NM_000565 Representative Protein Acc: NP_000556 UniGene Cluster ID: Hs.193400 Misc or Orig Desc: "ESTs [5':AA035013, 3':AA035377]" |
"ESTs [5':H30152, 3':H30517]" Clone ID: 189963 UniGene Symbol: C19orf2[GeneCards] LocusLink ID: 8725[LocusLink] UniGene Name: chromosome 19 open reading frame 2 GOInfo: transcription co-repressor|molecular function|E|GO:3714|Proteome|9819440 antiviral response protein|molecular function|P|GO:3800|Proteome|9819440 pathogenesis|biological process|P|GO:9405|Proteome|9819440 regulation of transcription from Pol II promoter|biological process|E|GO:6357|Proteome|9819440 DNA-directed RNA polymerase II, core complex|cellular component|E|GO:5665|Proteome|9819440 cytoplasm|cellular component|E|GO:5737|Proteome|9878255 nucleus|cellular component|P|GO:5634|Proteome|9878255 Representative mRNA Acc: NM_003796 Representative Protein Acc: NP_604431 UniGene Cluster ID: Hs.7943 Misc or Orig Desc: "ESTs [5':H30152, 3':H30517]" |
"Human 53K isoform of Type II phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase (PIPK) mRNA, complete cds Chr.10 [60605, (RW), 5':T39411, 3':T40568]" Clone ID: 60605 UniGene Symbol: PIP5K2A[GeneCards] LocusLink ID: 5305[LocusLink] UniGene Name: phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase, type II, alpha GOInfo: 1-phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate kinase|molecular function|E|GO:4431|Proteome|7852364 glycerophospholipid metabolism|biological process|NR|GO:6650|Proteome| Representative mRNA Acc: NM_005028 Representative Protein Acc: NP_005019 UniGene Cluster ID: Hs.108966 Misc or Orig Desc: "Human 53K isoform of Type II phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase (PIPK) mRNA, complete cds Chr.10 [60605, (RW), 5':T39411, 3':T40568]" |
"ESTs Chr.3 [288792, (I), 5':, 3':N62513]" Clone ID: 288792 UniGene Symbol: CD47[GeneCards] LocusLink ID: 961[LocusLink] UniGene Name: CD47 antigen (Rh-related antigen, integrin-associated signal transducer) GOInfo: plasma glycoprotein|molecular function|NR|GO:5211|Proteome| integrin-mediated signaling pathway|biological process|E|GO:7229|Proteome|8294396 cell-matrix adhesion|biological process|NR|GO:7160|Proteome| oncogenesis|biological process|NR|GO:7048|Proteome| proteoglycan integral to plasma membrane|cellular component|E|GO:5888|Proteome|7998989 plasma membrane|cellular component|E|GO:5886|Proteome|10429193 Representative mRNA Acc: AL832675 Representative Protein Acc: NP_001768 UniGene Cluster ID: Hs.313342 Misc or Orig Desc: "ESTs Chr.3 [288792, (I), 5':, 3':N62513]" |